robots.txt, equi news, TLD fr, subdomain

Le domaine fait partie du top-level-domain "fr".

En termes sémantiques, plusieurs concepts sous-jacents peuvent apparaître dès la lecture du domaine. Notez que ces concepts sont déterminés automatiquement par un algorithme et sans chercher à savoir ce que contient réellement le domaine. La proximité de ces concepts n'est donc qu'indicative.


ABC News. ABC News Now. ABC World News. AFX News. AP Television News. APN News & Media. APTN National News. Adult Video News. Adventist News Network. Affaire Dauphine News. Affaire Dauphiné News. Affaire News of the World. Al-Alam News Network. Al-Arab News. Al-Thawra News. Alamogordo Daily News. All the News That's Fit to Sing. Amaq News Agency. American Broadcasting Company News. American News Company....

Quelques autres domaines qui contiennent "news"

Voilà une version du fichier robots.txt tel qu'il a pu être récupéré sur ce domaine.

# If the Joomla site is installed within a folder such as at
# e.g. the robots.txt file MUST be
# moved to the site root at e.g.
# AND the joomla folder name MUST be prefixed to the disallowed
# path, e.g. the Disallow rule for the /administrator/ folder
# MUST be changed to read Disallow: /joomla/administrator/
# For more information about the robots.txt standard, see:
# For syntax checking, see:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /administrator/
Disallow: /cache/
Disallow: /cli/
Disallow: /components/
Disallow: /images/
Disallow: /includes/
Disallow: /installation/
Disallow: /language/
Disallow: /libraries/
Disallow: /logs/
Disallow: /media/
Disallow: /modules/
Disallow: /plugins/
Disallow: /templates/
Disallow: /tmp/

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